Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Down is on-Up is off. 5 is low-1 is High

The British Electrical switches used in Nigeria are set up opposite of the American way of doing things. To turn a light on in the U S, one flips the switch "up". To turn it "off", one would push the switch "down". The light switches in Nigeria, work just the opposite...if the switch position is "up", the light is "off" and if the switch position is "down" the light is "on". Makes it fun to find your way around at night when it is pitch dark.

Next are the switches that run the fans. Fans are everywhere. Homes, offices, apartments, stores, churches...everywhere. At home, you would start with a low fan speed at #1, if the positions were numbered. It does not work that way here. #1 is equal to "High" speed and about twists the fans out of the ceiling. #5 is "Low" speed and is still fairly aggressive. Just another Nigerian "Interesting" we thought you would like to know.

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