Monday, February 2, 2009

University of Ibadan

They had some nice landscaping at the University of Ibadan. It is a very large campus. The large white building in the background is a chapel.
This tower is a large example of how they make water work all over Nigeria. There will be a well (bore hole) somewhere and a pump or pumps that push the water up to the tanks. Gravity and the height create the pressure in the system. Gravity fed water from these tanks filled our toilet tank and provided the pressure for our "sort of shower" and sink in our room at the University of Ibadan Guest House. It was a minus two stars hotel.
Baby coconuts are growing on this small tree.
I love these big tall spiky fuchsia colored flowers. The bush was at least 7 feet tall, so the big blooms were over 12 inches high. It was very striking. I don't see any pretty landscaped areas like this around where we live. With our tropical climate here in Nigeria, they could have such beautiful flowers everywhere year round, but not many people have any kind of a yard.
These gardeners were happy to get their picture taken. I think they said this is a monkey tail bush. I'm not sure, but it was interesting with it's long furry flowers.

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