This is the rear gate to the compound directly to the West of ours. It houses the Church Service Center (the 3 story brick building)and the Stake Center for Lagos East Stake. In the Service Center second floor are the two mission offices and the IT group's office. On the first floor are a Distribution Center for clothing and printed material, including little Hymn Books. We bought two for about $14.00 each.
The Career Workshop and Employment Center are also in the first floor. The top floor has been the facilities maintenance group for all of Lagos, but that is changing and being aligned with the program we have at home. A building rep, a Stake building rep and the Area Administrator, in Ghana. The picture shows the ever present gate and the guard building is just inside to the left. The Church builds very substantial facilities and maintains them well. If reflects well on us as a people in Nigeria.
This is the big metal gate that our guard opens to let us in. Our compound is within a larger walled compound which also has a gate. When we come into the larger compound off of the large main street called Opebi (O-pebbie) during the day, that gate is open. After 7 PM, when it gets dark, that larger gate is closed and the guards verify that you belong inside before they let you through. This black gate is at the entrance to our private, little compound (5 apartments)and is manned by a guard 24 hours a day. If you look close you can see the razor wire that tops everything. The Church Security people are serious about all of these properties and the people who come and go. Even our inside gate to our individual apartment is locked with two different locks when we come in for the later than 7:30 or 8:00 PM.
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